Mevlut Dinc's interview - Producer Vivid Image 1) SCARS reminds me of Street Racer - is the game engine essentially aslightly more sophisticated one than the original used for the 16bit game? Mev: SCARS has combat as did Street Racer but that's where the similarities end. The game engine in SCARS uses a very powerful 3D engine with real-time lighting effects and unique and intricate landscapes. I would say that our game features probably the most sophisticated and impressive real-time 3D engine currently available. 2) What frame rate does SCARS run at? Mev: 30 fps. 3) SCARS' obvious competitors are Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing -can it match or better these in any departments? Mev: I believe SCARS easily matches both Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing in terms gameplay and arcade racing fun. SCARS offers more accesiblity and also provides better long term challenge for the more seasoned player. Although the difficulty level is progressive we also allow the player to set the game speed to suit their own skill levels. In addition, we have intelligent CPU cars which monitor player performance and adjust their own for a more challenging and enjoyable race. SCARS also features more impressive 3D visuals and really shows off the N64's capabilities. 4) How long has SCARS (N64) been in development? Mev: We have been working on SCARS N64 for about 7 months. 5) How tough to use are the N64 development tools compared to those of other systems? Mev: We use the PYSQ development tools from S N Systems which we are very familiar with, so this has not been a big problem. I believe the problem with developing on the N64 is that, although the hardware appears to be very powerful, it requires a lot of careful and clever programming technics to overcome some of the important limitations that exist. We felt that almost all the N64 games looked very similar and in terms of visuals not as impressive and sophisticated as the hardware specisfication suggests. We have worked very hard to make SCARS both impressive and sophisticated and I am very happy to say that we have succeded. 6) What chart placing will you be happy with/are expecting? Mev: I would expect SCARS to be in top 3 and I am reasonably confident that it could hit the top spot! 7) What will you be developing next for the N64? Mev: Too early to say at this stage as we are still very busy completing SCARS but I can assure you that what ever we do next will be as good as we can make it!